Guion Miller
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Miller Application #8326 NANCY CATCHER and X children Residence: Eucha, Oklahoma No. 8326 Action: Admitted Reasons: First Cousin of #653 Father of applicant enrolled in 1851 in Del 182 (Oo-na-noo-ty?) Oklahoma By reference to 653 it will be seen that the grandparents of 653 are the same as the Grandparents of 8326 in father's side. 653 gives the father of 8326 in the list of uncles and aunts and 8326 evidently sets up uncles and aunts on Mother's side. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund approved by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1908 and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. STATE FULL NAME: ENGLISH: Nancy Catcher INDIAN: Nen-si di-ga-ni-yi-??-gi RESIDENCE: Delaware Dist. TOWN AND POST OFFICE: Eucha COUNTY: Dist. 5 STATE: Indian Ty. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Born Saline Dist 18?? BY WHAT RIGHT DO YOU CLAIM TO SHARE? IF YOU CLAIM THROUGH MORE THAN ONE RELATIVE LIVING IN 1851, SET FORTH EACH CLAIM SEPARATELY: 1. (G.F.) Oo-jih??-ner-hi 2. my Grandmother Sor-gi-ne Oo-jeh-ler-ne?? hi, mothers side 3. (G.F.) Jeh-si (G.M.) 4. We-gi 5. Uncle Le?? 6. Uncle De-gar-nar-cha-s-ge 7. Great Grandfather ???1851 Oo-li-si-gi, 8. my father 9. my mother. ARE YOU MARRIED: Yes NAME AND AGE OF WIFE OR HUSBAND: Price Catcher age 50 GIVE NAMES OF YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER, AND YOUR MOTHER’S NAME BEFORE MARRIAGE: FATHER ENGLISH NAME: INDIAN NAME: Oo-ne-ner-de Oo-je-ir-ne-he written; in Oo-na-noo-te Del 182 MOTHER ENGLISH NAME: Annie INDIAN NAME: Ar-ni MAIDEN NAME: Ar-ni WHERE WERE THEY BORN? FATHER: Unknown MOTHER: Delaware Dist. WHERE DID THEY RESIDE IN 1851, IF LIVING AT THAT TIME? FATHER: Delaware Dist. MOTHER: Delaware Dist. DATE OF DEATH OF YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER: FATHER: 1893 MOTHER: 1890 WERE THEY EVER ENROLLED FOR ANNUITIES, LAND, OR OTHER BENEFITS? IF SO, STATE WHEN AND WHERE: They were enrolled on 1851 Roll in Delaware Dist.; and Bread money 1870 Delaware Dist. Cherokee Nation. ??? NAME ALL YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, GIVING AGES, AND IF NOT LIVING, THE DATE OF DEATH: NAME BORN DIED 1. Si-ni Unknown Living 2. Eh-ni Unknown Living 3. Wa-di Unknown Living 4. Ga-no-s-gi-s-gi Unknown Living 5. I have some half Brothers and sisters but their names do not know. STATE ENGLISH AND INDIAN NAMES OF YOUR GRANDPARENTS ON BOTH FATHER’S AND MOTHER’S SIDE, IF POSSIBLE: FATHER’S SIDE: Oo-jeh-ler-ner-he(crossed out) So-go-ni MOTHER'S SIDE: Jeh-si We-gi WHERE WERE THEY BORN? Old Nation East WHERE DID THEY RESIDE IN 1851, IF LIVING AT THAT TIME? Delaware Dist. and Goingsnake Dist. GIVE NAMES OF ALL THEIR CHILDREN, AND RESIDENCE, IF LIVING; IF NOT LIVING, GIVE DATES OF DEATH: ENGLISH NAME: ; INDIAN NAME: Le-wi Died 186?; RESIDENCE: ENGLISH: ; INDIAN NAME: De-gar-nas-cha-sge died 1868; RESIDENCE: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ENROLLED FOR ANNUITIES, LAND, OR OTHER BENEFITS? IF SO, STATE WHEN AND WHERE: I have been enrolled for strip payment 1894 Delaware ; (unreadable) TO EXPEDITE INDENTIFICATION, CLAIMANTS SHOULD GIVE THE FULL ENGLISH AND INDIAN NAMES, IF POSSIBLE, OF THEIR PATERNAL AND MATERNAL ANCESTORS BACK TO 1835: REMARKS (UNDER THIS HEAD THE APPLICANT MAY GIVE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT HE BELIEVES WILL ASSIST IN PROVING HIS CLAIM) Letters written: Pictures of page 1 & 2 of letter Eucha Okla Jan 22, 1908 Hon. Guion Miller Washington D.C. Sir= Relative to your request for a connection of my application #8326 by preparing for more evidence (tonc??ing)?? to this case under which I claim to participate in the fund arising from the Judgement of the Court of Claims in favor of the Eastern Cherokee= therefore I hereby give the statement that my father was one of the Eastern Cherokees and he was enrolled in 1851 under his name as (Cornsilk) in English name and (Na-nu-di) in Indian name and (Na-nu-di (Cornsilk) Thompson) as his full name in English because he ws the brother of (Chas Thompson) either (Oo-cha-la-ta) in Indian name. Who was one of the principal chiefs of the Cherokee Nation and that Na-nu-di or Cornsilk Thompson's mother was (Sor-kini) in Indian name and that she was my grandmother on my father side. And she was resided in the east in 1835 and moved West and my father was resided in the East in 1833. I stated that my mother was enrolled in 1851 as it was the same person living when the Enrollment was made her name was =Anni. In Indian name Ar?? (Anna) in English name. And she was resided in the East in 1835. And her father was (Jesse Dark) in English name and (Ja-si Oo-le-si-ki) in Indian But probably may be died prior to 1851 and he was my grandfather in the first degree on the side of my mothers. And I believe this statement is true and a copy is made approximately to the copy of the Eastern Cherokees ????ering filed in the Indian Office. And Hope the Commission of the Indian Office Thereof will take the mater up for rearrangement and have consideration toward to a completion. With kinds my and. ???? Respectfully Nancy Catcher Eucha, Okla. Transcribed by Kathy Pitts