Guion Miller
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Miller Application # 8738 Levi Catcher Salina, Okla. Admitted: Miller Application # 8738 Son of #14188 Father 300 G. S. Applicants mother probably enrolled G. S. 188 Grandfather Lewis Nelums Saline 506. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund approved by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1908 and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. STATE FULL NAME: ENGLISH: Levi Katcher INDIAN: RESIDENCE: 5 mi north of Locust Grove I.T. TOWN AND POST OFFICE: Salina I. T. COUNTY: 5th District STATE: Indian Ty. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 1873 in Saline dist. Cherokee Nation I.T. BY WHAT RIGHT DO YOU CLAIM TO SHARE? IF YOU CLAIM THROUGH MORE THAN ONE RELATIVE LIVING IN 1851, SET FORTH EACH CLAIM SEPARATELY: 1. My mother Nancy Nelms 2. Grandma Wattie Nelms 3. Uncle Johnson Fields 4. Grandpa E low wee 5. Grand Aunt Tagie 6. Uncle Wah hoo hoo Paper on front 1. Mother Nancy Nelms 2. Grandma Wattie 3. Uncle Johnson Fields 4. Grandpa E-lo-we 5. GrandAunt Day-gee 6. Uncle Wah hoo hoo. ARE YOU MARRIED: Yes NAME AND AGE OF WIFE OR HUSBAND: Sis Katcher 28 yr. old. A Cherokee Indian. GIVE NAMES OF YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER, AND YOUR MOTHER’S NAME BEFORE MARRIAGE: FATHER: ENGLISH NAME: Charlie Katcher INDIAN NAME: Cha-lee de-gar-ni-ge-ska MOTHER: ENGLISH NAME: Nancy Nelm INDIAN NAME: Go-tah-na MAIDEN NAME: Nancy Nelm WHERE WERE THEY BORN? FATHER: Saline Dist. Cherokee Nation I.T. MOTHER: Saline Dist. Cherokee Nation I.T. WHERE DID THEY RESIDE IN 1851, IF LIVING AT THAT TIME? FATHER: Saline Dist. Cherokee Nation I.T. MOTHER: Saline Dist. Cherokee Nation I.T. DATE OF DEATH OF YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER: FATHER: Living; MOTHER: About 1888 WERE THEY EVER ENROLLED FOR ANNUITIES, LAND, OR OTHER BENEFITS? IF SO, STATE WHEN AND WHERE: Yes. Emigrant 1851 in Saline Dist. C. N. I.T. NAME ALL YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, GIVING AGES, AND IF NOT LIVING, THE DATE OF DEATH: NAME BORN DIED Charlie Katcher (1/2 Brother) Abt 1876 Living Jennie Katcher ( 1/2 Sis ) Abt 1878 Living STATE ENGLISH AND INDIAN NAMES OF YOUR GRANDPARENTS ON BOTH FATHER’S AND MOTHER’S SIDE, IF POSSIBLE: FATHER’S SIDE Charlie Katcher Unknown MOTHER’S SIDE Louis Nelm Wattie WHERE WERE THEY BORN? Cherokee Nation East WHERE DID THEY RESIDE IN 1851, IF LIVING AT THAT TIME? Saline Dist Cherokee Nation I.T. GIVE NAMES OF ALL THEIR CHILDREN, AND RESIDENCE, IF LIVING; IF NOT LIVING, GIVE DATES OF DEATH: ENGLISH NAME: Nancy Nelm; INDIAN NAME: Go-tah-na; RESIDENCE: Dead HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ENROLLED FOR ANNUITIES, LAND, OR OTHER BENEFITS? IF SO, STATE WHEN AND WHERE: Cherokee per capita payment in Tahlequah Dist C. N. I. T.; and final Roll by Com To The Five Civilized Tribe. TO EXPEDITE IDENTIFICATION, CLAIMANTS SHOULD GIVE THE FULL ENGLISH AND INDIAN NAMES, IF POSSIBLE, OF THEIR PATERNAL AND MATERNAL ANCESTORS BACK TO 1835: REMARKS (UNDER THIS HEAD THE APPLICANT MAY GIVE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT HE BELIEVES WILL ASSIST IN PROVING HIS CLAIM) # 8738. LEVI CATCHER being duly sworn deposes and says: I am going on 37 years of age. Both of my parents were Emmigrants and were living in 51. My father's name was CHARLIE CATCHER. His Indian name was CHARLIE DEE-HIH-TEGAH-NE-SKIH. Don't know the names of my father's parents or any of his brothers and sisters. My mother's name was NANCY NELUMS. Her father was named LEWIS NELUMS. My mother had two half brothers on her fathers side named JOHN and ARCH NELUMS. See Sal. 506. I have some relation by the name of MURPHY but I don't know anything about how it comes in. (See G. S. 188?). I have a half brother on the father's side named CHARLIE CATCHER. He lives near Choteau. I had a half sister that died about a year ago named JENNIE HORNET. She lived near Moody before she died. My Daws Commission Number is 17907. My mother's half brother, JOHN NELMS has a son living near Foyil, named JOHN NELMS. App. No. 8738 January 7, 1908. LEVI KATCHER, Salina Oklahoma. Sir: You claim a right to share in the distribution of the Eastern Cherokee Fund through your mother, NANCY NELMS. If she was enrolled with the Eastern Cherokee in 1851, give the name under which she was enrolled, naming the members of the family who were enrolled with her. Do you claim Eastern Cherokee blood through your father, CHARLEY KATCHER, if so, state whether or not he was enrolled with the Eastern Cherokees in 1851 and who was enrolled with him? What was the name of your grandmother on your father's side? Were any of your people enrolled with the old settlers; did they share in any old settler payment? Please give this matter prompt attention and refer in your reply to the number of your application. Very respectfully, Special Commissioner ________________________________________________________________ Locust Grove Oct 7th 08 Hon Guion Miller Washington DC. Dr. Sir, My wife your appln no 8917 died Aug 11th 1907 Send her money to me at this office when Emigrant payment is made. Propt??? LEVI KATCHER Application # 8738 Locust Grove, Ind. Ter., March 7, 1908 ________________________________________________________________ Hon Guion Miller Washington D.C. Dear Sir In ans. to your of 1-7 My father is your applen CHARLIE KATCHER # 14188 see his application for information. My mother was NANCY NELMS - Her father was LEWIS NELMS. Her mother was NANCY NELMS. I don't kow much about my people. I was left an orphan as my Father and were not living together when Mother died. I was sent to the Cherokee Orphan Asylum when small and never heard much of my People. GUS POTATOE and JACKSON MURPH of near here can witness for me. Werrene not old settlers. LEVI KATCHER Transcribed by Kathy Pitts