Guion Miller
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Miller Application # 10425 Andrew Catcher (Ketcher) and 1 child Locust Grove, Okla. 1st cousin to 1386 Moses Te-cah-ne-ye-ske "father" 426 Tahlequah Admitted: #10425 Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund approved by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1908 and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. STATE FULL NAME: Andrew Catcher ENGLISH: ; INDIAN: RESIDENCE: 7 miles S. Locust Grove, I. T. TOWN AND POST OFFICE: Locust Grove COUNTY: 5th Dist. STATE: Ind Ty. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 1881 Tahlequah Dist. Cherokee Nation BY WHAT RIGHT DO YOU CLAIM TO SHARE? IF YOU CLAIM THROUGH MORE THAN ONE RELATIVE LIVING IN 1851, SET FORTH EACH CLAIM SEPARATELY: (1) Father Mose Te car neas ky (2) Mother Coo tar ney (3) Grandma Ta ge (4) Uncle Too nah ey (5) Aunt Fannie or Too your ski ARE YOU MARRIED: Yes NAME AND AGE OF WIFE OR HUSBAND: Emma Catcher about 20 Cherokee GIVE NAMES OF YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER, AND YOUR MOTHER’S NAME BEFORE MARRIAGE: FATHER ENGLISH NAME: Moses Catcher INDIAN NAME: Wo-cie Dee-gah-nee-ski MOTHER ENGLISH NAME: Katcher INDIAN NAME: Cootarney Dee-ga-nee-ski MAIDEN NAME: Unknown WHERE WERE THEY BORN? FATHER: Cherokee Nation East MOTHER: Cherokee Nation East WHERE DID THEY RESIDE IN 1851, IF LIVING AT THAT TIME? FATHER: Tahlequah Dist., Cherokee Nation I.T. MOTHER: Tahlequah Dist., Cherokee Nation I.T. DATE OF DEATH OF YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER: FATHER: About 1898 MOTHER: About 1874 WERE THEY EVER ENROLLED FOR ANNUITIES, LAND, OR OTHER BENEFITS? IF SO, STATE WHEN AND WHERE: Yes Emigrant 1851 and Father Cherokee Per Capita; payment in Tahlequah Dist. Cherokee Nation I. T. NAME ALL YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, GIVING AGES, AND IF NOT LIVING, THE DATE OF DEATH: NAME BORN DIED 1. Pattsy Batt About 1885 2. Richard Catcher About 1881 3. Jessie Catcher About 1891 4. Lizie Hair About 1856 STATE ENGLISH AND INDIAN NAMES OF YOUR GRANDPARENTS ON BOTH FATHER’S AND MOTHER’S SIDE, IF POSSIBLE: FATHER’S SIDE Te can ne Eaquakie Sallie MOTHER’S SIDE Unknown WHERE WERE THEY BORN? Cherokee Nation East WHERE DID THEY RESIDE IN 1851, IF LIVING AT THAT TIME? Tahlequah Dist. Cherokee Nation I. T. GIVE NAMES OF ALL THEIR CHILDREN, AND RESIDENCE, IF LIVING; IF NOT LIVING, GIVE DATES OF DEATH: ENGLISH NAME: Mose Catcher; INDIAN NAME: Te con neas ky; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Ben Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Rebecca Nugin; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Hulbert I.T. ENGLISH: John Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Charles Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Dick Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Ellis Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Linnie Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Lizzie Catcher; INDINA NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead ENGLISH: Ollie Catcher; INDIAN NAME: ; RESIDENCE: Dead HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ENROLLED FOR ANNUITIES, LAND, OR OTHER BENEFITS? IF SO, STATE WHEN AND WHERE: Cherokee Per Capita payment in Tahlequah Dist.???; And final Roll by Com To The Five Civilized Tribes. TO EXPEDITE INDENTIFICATION, CLAIMANTS SHOULD GIVE THE FULL ENGLISH AND INDIAN NAMES, IF POSSIBLE, OF THEIR PATERNAL AND MATERNAL ANCESTORS BACK TO 1835: REMARKS (UNDER THIS HEAD THE APPLICANT MAY GIVE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT HE BELIEVES WILL ASSIST IN PROVING HIS CLAIM) Supplemental Application for Minor Children #10425 Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims, 601 Ouray Building, Washington, D. C. Sirs, I hereby make application for such share as may be due my minor children of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, if favor of the Eastern Cherokee, and I ask that this be made part of my original application No. 1. State you full name: Andrew Catcher 2. Residence and post office: 8 mi S. Locust Grove 3. County: 5th Dist. 4. State: Ind. Ty 5. Date and place of birth: Oct 19th 1881 Tahlequah Dist. Cherokee Nation I.T. 6. Are you married? Yes 7. Name and age of wife or husband: Emma Catcher about 20 yrs. 8. To what tribe of Indians, if any, does he or she belong? Cherokee Nation I.T. 9. Names of all your children who were living on May 28, 1906: 1. Cenie Catcher Age 1 Born Jany 6th 1906 2. 3. 4. 5. 10. Where they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? If so state when and were and with what tribe of Indians. No REMARKS (Under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist in proving his claim.) Transcribed by Kathy Pitts