Guion Miller
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MILLER APPLICATION # 29189 Fannie Campbell nee Stephens Park Hill, Oklahoma Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington, D. C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined Note: Answers to all questions should be short, but complete. If you can not answer, so state: 1.. State full name- English name- Fannie Campbell Indian name- none 2.. Residence and post office- Park Hill 3.. County- Cherokee Nation 4.. State- Indian Territory 5.. How old are you? Full 17 years Born? June 14, 1890 6.. Where were you born? Tahlequah District, Cherokee Nation 7.. Are you married? Yes 8.. Name and age of Husband- Daniel Campbell, aged 33 years 9.. To what tribe of Indians does he or she belong? His is white, she is Cherokee Indian 10.. Name all your children who were living on May 28, 1906, giving their ages- Alluwee Campbell age: one year and over b. December 12, 1905 11.. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage- Father- English name- William H. Stephens (white); Indian name- 'Ha-na-lee' Mother- English name- Almira Stephens; Indian name- Co-chan-nee'; Maiden name- Almira Catron 12.. Where were they born? Father- State of Georgia Mother- Tahlequah District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 13.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Father-State of Georgia Mother-Not then yet born 14.. Date of death of your father and mother - Father and mother both, surviving 15.. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land or other benefits? If so, state when and where. As Cherokees in Tahlequah District, Cherokee Nation. Subsistence money in 1875, 1880, 1883, 1886, 1890 and mother enrolled (?) and received strip per capita in 1894 and also for allotment of the Cherokee Indian lands, and received land about 1904. 16.. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ares, and residence if possible: Nancy J. Phillips b. November 12, 1874 Living 'Oo-kil-lee' Park Hill, Indian Territory Elizabeth Hamilton b. January 27, 1882 Living 'Gah-naw' Park Hill, Indian Territory Stephen Stephens b. October 29, 1884 Living 'Oo-squah-look' Park Hill, Indian Territory Sarah James b. July 29, 1886 Living 'None' Chieftain, Indian Territory 17.. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, if possible: FATHER'S SIDE: Simpson Stephens (white), no Indian name Mahala Stephens (white), no Indian name MOTHER'S SIDE: Lafayette Catron 'Oo-naw-sta-te' Nancy Catron 'Nawn-cee' 18.. Where were they born: First named two in Georgia. Other two in Old Cherokee Nation East 19.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? First named two in Georgia. The other two, in Tahlequah District, Cherokee Nation, on Caney Creek 20.. Give names of all their children, and residence, if possible; William H. Stephens Park Hill, Indian Territory John Stephens Park Hill, Indian Territory Elijah Stephens Park Hill, Indian Territory Simpson Stephens Dead Mont Stephens Dead John Catron Wauhillau, Indian Territory Almira Stephens Park Hill, Indian Territory 21.. Have you ever been enrolled for money, annuities, land or other benefits? If so, state when and where, and with what tribe of Indians: As Cherokee Indians in Tahlequah District, Cherokee Nation. And for Strip per capita and received some in 1894-also likewise for Cherokee Indian Allotment of lands and received same about 1904. all of which received-all money received. 22.. To assist in identification, claimant should give the full English and Indian names, if possible of their parents and grandparents back to 1835: Have nothing further to offer REMARKS (Under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist in proving his claim.) My mother Almira Stephens, claim is # 1485. I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed: Fannie Campbell Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of May 1907. Signature of notary not able to read AFFIDAVIT (The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicant) Personally appeared before the Ezekiel Parris and Susan E. Hathcoat, being duly sworn , on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Fannie Campbell who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known her for 15 years and 15 years, respectively, and know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and that the statements made by her are true. to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest in her claim. Signatures of Witnesses; Ezekiel P. Parris and Susan E. Hathcoat Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of May 1907. LETTER ATTACHED TO MILLER APPLICATION # 29189 McArthur & Westphal Lawyers Short and Owsley Bldg. Chickasha, Oklahoma October 18, 1909 Hon. Guion Miller Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims Eastern Cherokees Enrollment 601 Ouray Bldg. Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: Francis Campbell has recently departed this life. Is the appointment of an administrator necessary for the collecting of her share. Is it necessary to appoint a guardian in order to collect the minor's share, or will the money be paid to the father. What is the reason only one child of Frances Campbell was enrolled? She has three adult children. When and where will this money be paid? The heirs of Frances Campbell have employed us to collect their money for them, hence the foregoing inquires. Very Truly Yours, Transcribed by Catherine Widener, 2003 Fannie Campbell Dawes Roll-# 25291, Census Card # 6606 as Fannie Stephens-Tahlequah District-Park HIll, IT 1896 Roll-# 2900-Tahlequah District 1/8 Cherokee Also see James, Sarah A. #29187