Guion Miller
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CENSUS CARD QUESTIONAIRE # 7148 ELECTRA BERTHOLF nee KEYS DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes Muskogee, Indian Territory January 24, 1901 In the matter of the application of OTTO J. ZUFALL, for the enrollment of ELECTRA BERTHOLF, as a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, and the said Electra Bertholf, being sworn and examined by Commissioner, T. B. Needles, testified as follows: Q. How old is Electra Bertholf? A. I think she's about 68 or 69 years old. Q. What is her post office address? A. Muskogee Q. Does she claim citizenship in Canadian District? A. No, sir, Cooweescoowee District Q. Is she a citizen of the Cherokee Nation by blood? A. Yes, sir 1880 Roll, Page 2, # 37, Ellector Bertholf, Canadian District 1896 Roll, page 9, # 256, Electa Bertholf, Canadian District Q. Has she always lived in the Cherokee Nation? A. She always lived with me ever since I have been married. Q. Before that, she lived in the Cherokee Nation? A. Yes, sir Q. What is the reason she is not present? A. She is unable to come. Comm'r T. B. Needles: the name of Electra Bertholf appears upon the authenticated roll of 1880, as Ellector Bertholf, and upon the census roll of 1896, as Electra Bertholf; She is duly indentified and makes satisfactory proof as to her residence; consequently the said Electra Bertholf will be duly listed for enrollment as a Cherokee citizen by blood. The undersigned, being sworn, states that as stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, he correctly recorded the testimony and proceedings in this case, and that the foregoing is a true and complete transcript of his stenographic notes thereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of January, 1901. Signed: Commissioner Transcribed by Catherine Widener, 2002