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Henrietta Cloud Bean nee Dannenberg

Gregg Co., Kilgore, Texas

Admitted. Applicant, mother and maternal grandparents enrolled in 1851 by Drennen, Goingsnake District # 719.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs

Washington, D. C.


I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined.

1. State Full Name:

English Name-Henriete Bean

Indian Name- Wutta

2. Residence-in Rusk County, Texas (near Kilgore, Gregg County, Texas)

3.. Town and Post Office- Kilgore

4.. County- Gregg

5.. State- Texas

6.. Date and Place of Birth- April 3rd, 1844, Goingsnake District, Cherokee Nation

7.. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately:

My mother's share, Christia Dannenberg.

My grand mother's share, Susan McPherson

My grand father's share, Jack McPherson

My Uncles share, Andy McPherson

My Uncles share, Hughey McPherson

My Uncles share, Silas McPherson

8.. Are you married? YES

9.. Name and age of wife or husband- John E. Bean *(John Ellis Bean. He is listed on the Old Settlers Roll # 60-Flint District)

10.. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage-

Father- English name-Nathan Dannenberg

Indian name- Daval

Mother- English name- Christia Dannenberg

Indian name- had none, that I know of

Maiden name-Christia McPherson

11.. Where were they born? Father-Germany Mother-Tennessee

12.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Both parents residing in Cherokee Nation

13.. Date of death of your father and mother? Father- In the year 1865 Mother-In the year 1905

14.. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-

Was enrolled in the year 1851, Goingsnake District, Cherokee Nation

15.. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, give date of death-

John H. Dannenberg b. May 10, 1842 d. (MA # 1655)

Richard M. Dannenberg b. 1851 d. Don't know (MA # 1652)

Louis L. Dannenberg b. 1855 d. (MA # 5758)

Nathan B. Dannenberg b. 1861 d. May 11th __ (MA # 8027)

Jophephine Dannenberg b. 1840 d. don't know the date (MA # 1654)

Susan A. Dannenberg b. 1846 d. don't know the date (MA # 1656)

Julia Dannenberg b. d. 1895

Sarah Dannenberg b. d. 1894

Nannie Dannenberg b. d. 1890

16.. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, if possible-

FATHER'S SIDE-They were from Germany, I don't know anything about them.

MOTHER'S SIDE- Jack McPherson, Indian name, Buffalo (grandfather)

Susan McPherson, no Indian name that I knew of

17.. Where were they born? IN TENNESSEE

18.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? IN CHEROKEE NATION

19.. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, give dates of deaths

1.. English name-John McPherson *(MA # 5197); Indian name- don't know; Residence- Cherokee Nation

2.. English name-Silas McPherson; Indian name-don't know; Residence-sometime between the years 1860-1870

3.. English name-Hughey McPherson; Indian name- don't know; Residence- died about the year 1870

4.. English name- George McPherson; Indian name- don't know; Residence- died about the year 1871 to 1879, don't know just when

5.. English name-Alex McPherson; Indian name-don't know; Residence- dead, don't know date

6.. English name- Lucy McPherson; Indian name- ; Residence-dead, don't know just when

3.. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-

Enrollment of 1851 and 1895, at Fort Gibson, was where I drew


MA # 2697-Harriette Bean (duplicate of this application)

MA # 1655-John H. Dannenberg, brother (Drennen Goingsnake # 719)

MA # 1652-Richard M. Dannenberg, brother (Drennen Goingsnake # 719)

MA # 1654-Josephine C. Rasmaus nee Dannenberg, sister (Drennen Goingsnake # 719)

MA # 1656-Susan A. Walker nee Dannenberg, sister (Drennen Goingsnake # 719)

MA # 5758-Louis L. Dannenberg, brother

MA # 8029-Benamin F. Garvin ? relationship he is listed as a guardian

MA # 5197-John V. McPherson

MA # 11299-Albert C. Alberty, nephew

MA # 11300-Ellis R. Alberty, nephew

MA # 9479-Clara Alberty, niece

MA # 24367-Beatrix Todd nee Dannenberg, niece

MA # 24368-Alice N. Dannenberg, niece

MA # 23615-J. S. Bean, son

MA # 23616-N. B. Bean, son

MA # 23617-Grover Bean, son

MA # 23618-Carlos Bean, son

MA # 23619-Emily Rowland nee Bean, daughter

MA # 22551-John C. Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 22552-Daniel E. Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 24967-Thomas N, Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 24925-Robert C. Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 22661-William H. Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 22823-Louis B Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 22887-Mabel R. Husdon, grandniece

MA # 23537-Catherine M. Patton, neice

MA # 22988-James Wilbert Smith, b. 1880 ? relationship

MA # 29913-Joseph R. Dannenberg, nephew

MA # 29654-Sallie Benge nee Dannenberg,


Henrietta Bean-1/8 Cherokee

Drennen Roll Group # 719-Goingsnake District as Henrietta Denningburg

Dawes Roll, none listed, probably residence in Texas at the time

*Transcriber notes

Transcribed by Catherine Widener, 2003


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