Indian Pioneer Papers - Index
Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: March 10,
Name: Tobe Mackey
Post Office: McAlester,
Residence Address:
Date of Birth: 1882
Place of Birth:
Savanna, Oklahoma
Father: Solemon Mackey
Information on
Information on Mother:
Worker: John M. Pearce
The last Tobucksy County Court House under the Choctaw Indian
Government was built about 1876 as a residence by Dr. D. M. HAILEY for Mrs.
William R. CHUNN who was at that time a widow and a sister-in-law to Dr.
The plat was approved by the Secretary of the Interior on December
10, 1901. The building and lot are located in North McAlester on lot 2, block
180, in what was formerly Indian Territory. The legal description is east half
of the south-east quarter of the north-west quarter of section 31, township 6
north and range 15 east. The building is of native pine which was left rough.
It is about eighteen feet by sixteen feet and has a shed on one side which is
twelve feet by eighteen feet. There is a porch on the front side. It was sold
to Tobucksy County for a court house about 1877.
After Indian Territory became a state in 1907, an Act of Congress
was approved April 30, 1908, which provided that the Secretary of Interior
should take possession of all public buildings and land of the Five Civilized
Tribes and sell same. All property was to be appraised and sold to the highest
and best bidder.
This property was appraised at $360.00 and sold to the city of
McAlester for $360.00 July 13, 1909. The deed was recorded in the county
records of Pittsburg County in book 6 on pages 46 & 47 on August 25, 1909
at 2:50 P.M. This property has since been sold to the Ohoyohoma Club of
McAlester, an unincorporated society composed of Indian women associated
together for the purpose of education in the old Indian lore as well as for
social purposes. They have repaired the building and sometimes hold meetings
there. The sale of the property was made May 13, 1929, for a consideration of
$1.00 and O.V.C. and the deed was recorded June 14, 1929, in book 115, pages
263 & 264.
Tobe Mackey was born at Savanna,
[Pittsburg Co.] Oklahoma, in 1882. He
is a Choctaw Indian, the son of Solemon Mackey. He was a peace officer in the
vicinity of Savanna where his father had been sheriff. Since moving to
McAlester, Mr. Mackey has worked as a guard at the Oklahoma State
Submitted to OKGenWeb by Rusty Lange, transcribed by Geraldine King, December