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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: February 19, 1938
Name: Laura Hall
Post Office: Broken Bow, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: May 17, 1889
Place of Birth: Near Eagletown, Oklahoma
Father: James Dyer
Place of Birth: Near Eagletown, Oklahoma
Information on father:
Mother: Malinda Dyer
Place of birth: Smithville
Information on mother: Housekeeper
Field Worker: Levina R. Beavers
Interview # 13187

Another branch of the old Military trail made a detour to the south and struck Red River at what is now known as Shawneetown, went thence to old Garvin on a northwest course, intersecting the main trail at or near Wheelock. On this branch of the road about five miles south of Idabel, is the old Shawneetown. The village is located at the edge of the river bottom and was for years a trading point.

Later the village and the adjoining rich bottom lands came into the possession of Robert LOVE, a mixed-breed Indian who owned one of the finest farms in the territory and by his industry, business methods and uprightness of character, accumulated a large property. He was a grandson of Colonel JONES, a prominent Choctaw and perhaps the wealthiest member of the tribe. When the Choctaws came to this country, Shawneetown was occupied by a few members of the tribe but they soon abandoned their holdings and drifted to other parts of the territory.

Submitted to OKGenWeb by Sharon Olive DeLoache <deloache@intellex.com> 04-2000.