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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Cemeteries in Major Co. OK

Thirty-five cemeteries were found using GNIS, and links in this chart are to GNIS maps that show the general location with respect to nearby towns. DoT maps show the township in great detail. Links providing access to online canvasses and lists of burials follow the chart. 

Back to Major Co. Quick Links

Feature Name Directions, Comments & Links S-T-R Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Ames Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361603N 0981034W Ringwood SW
Antioch Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361906N 0984743W Phroso
Bethel Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361211N 0983637W Longdale
Bierig Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361028N 0981756W Isabella
Cedar Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361446N 0982659W Homestead
Chester Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361350N 0985235W Seiling
Cheyenne Valley Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362212N 0983721W Glass Mountains
Cleo Springs Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362417N 0982455W Cleo Springs
Concord Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361930N 0980926W Ringwood SW
Connor Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362236N 0984907W Togo
Fairview Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361544N 0983027W Glass Mountains
Fairview Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361843N 0982948W Fairview
Fern Cliff Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361208N 0984124W Canton NW
Forrest Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362235N 0982044W Fairview NE
Free Home Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362418N 0981723W Fairview NE
Glenwood Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361904N 0981450W Ringwood SW
Golden Lodge Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361633N 0984658W Phroso
Hope Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361022N 0984906W Orion
Isabella Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361353N 0981933W Isabella
Liberty Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362145N 0985316W Cedardale
Lone Star Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362221N 0984348W Glass Mountains SW
Lone Star Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362839N 0985142W Togo
Mennonite Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361350N 0982554W Homestead
Mount Zion Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361908N 0985057W Phroso
Orion Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361351N 0984750W Orion
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362331N 0981207W Ringwood
Plymouth Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361022N 0982802W Homestead
Roscoe Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361751N 0983405W Glass Mountains
Rusk Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361628N 0982458W Fairview
Saron Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362142N 0982949W Fairview
Sorge Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361817N 0981801W Fairview SE
Square Cedar Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362629N 0982217W Fairview NE
Union Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362643N 0981031W Ringwood
West Creek Cemetery Not Available Unknown 362932N 0985554W Belva
Wildwood Cemetery Not Available Unknown 361347N 0980617W Barr


Finding an Online Canvass or List

Once you know the name of a cemetery and the county it's in, the next step is finding any online canvasses or lists of burials.  A few counties  have direct links for individual cemeteries, but those are obvious when the search engine leads you to one of them.  In most cases you must search the resources directly.

OKGenWeb has an extensive and rapidly-growing collection of cemetery canvasses and lists of burials, which you can find through the OKGenWeb Cemeteries Site or in the OKGenWeb Archives.  

Many of the OKGenWeb county sites also include cemetery information. Use the clickable map to get to the county/counties you're interested in.  (If you a new Coordinator, we have a special Help Section for matching contributions of cemetery data with mapped locations.)

The Oklahoma Cemetery Mailing List is also accumulating canvasses, organized by county.  Go to its Home Page for the latest information, and select the county or use its search engine to find a specific canvass. 

Return to Cemetery Gateway

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State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 
Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
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 Friday, July 26, 2024 

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