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James Michael McLaughlin

Sequoyah County Times
Sunday, September 2, 1945


Funeral services for James Michael McLaughlin, 73 year old Sallisaw resident, were at the home here at 3 o'clock Sunday with Dr. Oren C. Reid, Pastor of the Baptist church officiating. Interment was in the City cemetery under the direction of Wheeler-Stevenson Funeral Home. Active pall bearers were Frank Green, O.E. Capps, Fred Farmer, henry Jones, T.M. Hawkins and Claud McDonald and the nonorary pall bearers were J.M. Smith, W.D. Capps, John E. Johnston, Joe Wilson, W.N. Agent, Frank Weaver, W.D. May, and Fenn Stinnett.

Mr. McLaughlin, or Judge McLaughlin as he has been known here for many years, died at his home Saturday, Sept. 1, after an ilness of several months. He was born Oct. 23, 1872 in Lawrence County, Arkansas and was united in marriage with Miss Sophie A. Taylor, sister of County Superintendent J.A. Taylor and Court Clerk G. B. Taylor, on February 14, 1897 at Maple, Indian Territory. They lived at Maple and Long until 1912 when they came to Sallisaw and have made their home here since that time.

Judge McLaughlin has worked in the Court House since he came to Sallisaw. He was undersheriff for John E. Johnston and Ben Faulkner and has been City Police Judge and Justice of the Peace for Sallisaw for the past 15 years. He was well known over the county and respected and liked by everyone.

Surviving relatives are his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Ollie Glenn, Coffeyville, Kansas and Lillie McLaughlin, Sallisaw; two sons, Hubert, Sallisaw and James of Tulsa, and four grandchildren. Among the out-of-town relatives who were here Sunday for the services were Mrs. Monroe Mason, Locust Grove, Troy LaBass, Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. George Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welch, Mrs. Rosa Lee Taylor, and Earl Taylor, Tulsa and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mason, Haskell.
Obit submitted by:
Pam Cobb
Granddaughter of James M. McLaughlin

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