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oSequoyah County
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If you have an ancestor buried in Sequoyah County Please send Name and Birth/Death and name of cemetery for the Sequoyah County Cemeteries Online Page. Email Earline Barger

Pack & Faulkner Family Plot


FAULKNER, Allie Jane PACK, Aug 24, 1880 – June 11, 1960, w/o Robert Emitt FAULKNER

FAULKNER, Robert Emmitt, Nov 6, 2884 – Jan 31, 1964, h/o Allie PACK FAULKNER


VAUGHAN, Norene, July 13, 1918 - ? , d/o Robert Emmitt and Allie PACK FAULKNER,w/o Riley F. VAUGHAN

VAUGHAN, Riley F., March 26, 1926 – April 5, 1976, h/o Norene VAUGHAN


Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 07-Sep-2016 15:01:08 EDT
Copyright 2002 -2011  by Earline Barger