Oklahoma Surname Registry

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Bringing people together who are researching common surnames in the state of Oklahoma.

  1. Send only SURNAMES. ( No first names, research locations or dates)
  2. Please list your ancestor's MAIDEN NAME if applicable.
  3. Surnames must pertain to OKLAHOMA
  4. Please leave a contact address so others can reach you.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How do I send my surnames to you?
A: Use the Registry Form to send your surnames to me.

Q: Can you help me find my ancestors?
A: No, I'm sorry I can't. I simply don't have the time. Check the USGenWeb or OKGenWeb where you'll find many helpful links for your research.

Q: Why are there so many bad email addresses?
A: Email addresses go bad just like mailing addresses. Unless a researcher contacts me with a new email address, I won't know the e-mail in question is no longer in service.

Q: I received a "Returned Email". What do I do now?
A: FORWARD the entire message to me so I can note the bad email address.

Q: Why did I get "404 Page Not Found" when I clicked on a researcher's homepage link?
A: That person's homepage has moved or been discontinued. Send me the researcher's homepage link and email address and I'll de-link the homepage if I can't find their current homepage.

Q: Will you let me know when you've added me to the OK Surname Registry?
A: If you successfully complete the Registry Form your surname submission will be on the New Surnames Added page.

Q: My email address has changed. How do I update my address?
A: email the Surname Coordinator listed at the bottom of this page. You must include your name, the surname(s), the old email address and the new email address you want to use with the surname

Q: I know someone who wants to be added to the OK Surnames Registry. The only problem is, they don't have a computer. Can I add them?
A: No. --- Exception: If you would be willing to use your email address as a contact person for them. Fill out the Registry Form using their name and your email address

You may wish to use a freebie email address such as Yahoo, Hotmail or GMail; if your primary email address goes bad, you can still retrieve your email via a public terminal.

Enter the OK Surname Registry

Have you forgotten which surnames you registered? Type your name or email address in the search box below to find the surnames you registered.

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