Woodall Family Cemetery

GPS coordinates: (UMT-NAD27) 15 294612E 3926300N

View of Cemetery

Located in section 2, T11N R19E on what was the allotment of Mamie Woodall #4478. This is now private property. The Woodall Family held allotments comprising nearly the entire section 2: Mary Woodall #4480; Thomas F. Woodall #4467; Caroline Woodall-NB #1377; Nannie Woodall #23021; Lola Woodall #21723; and Emma V. Woodall #4477.

Abraham and Susie Woodall were the parents of Thomas F. Woodall. Thomas' wife was Emma Vore Howland born 4 April 1870. She was the daughter of Erastus Judson and Susan Elizabeth Rider Howland.(See: Howland Cemetery) Emma was also married to William H. Fields

Abraham Woodall was part of the 2nd Cherokee Mounted Volunteers organized under Col. William Penn Adair. The same Abraham Woodall was a Senator from the Canadian District in 1883. Abraham died in 1886. He was a judge of the Canadian District in 1871, 73, 75, 77, 79, and 1881.

See Paul Ridenour's Woodall Cemetery website.

Thomas F. Woodall8 March 18602 April 1910Husband of E. V. Woodall
"As a husband devoted
As a father affectionate
As a friend ever kind and true."
Abraham Woodall12 Feb. 183215 Nov. 1886 
Susie Woodall 20 April 1883Aged 52 years
"I am the mother of these
three dear boys lying
here by my side."
Charles H. Woodall 28 Dec. 1976Aged 15 Years
Charlie F. Woodall8 Dec. 188212 March 1883Aged 3 mos 4 days
"Our little babe sleeps sweetly here."
William P. [R.] Woodall 28 Jan. 1872Aged 3 years
Nina E. Fields8 Aug. 18807 Dec. 1890Aged 10 years 3 months 20 days
d/o W. G. And Ella E.
Mary P. Woodall9 Nov. 1865[19]Jan. 189[3]w/o Thomas Woodall
Susie Woodall14 Nov. 18888 Aug. 1901 
Lizzie D. Woodall27 Aug. 189013 Aug. 1901 
Osha S. G. b. Yokley24 Nov. 18922 Oct. 1893 
5 other graves marked with sandstone rocks.

Photos and information: 11 August 2002;
Sue Tolbert, Skye Tolbert, Paul Ridenour, David Ridenour and George Miller

Background Graphics by Barbara's Background Graphics

©Sue Tolbert 2001-2006