The grave of John Martin is located at the intersection of Elm and Jackson streets in Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma, about a block south of the old Ft. Gibson stockade.
Township 15N, Range 19E, Section 2
Latitude: N 35' 48.186' Longitude: W 095' 15.327' (WGS-84)

Historical Marker

log cabin and gravesite
John Martin's crypt is surrounded by the rock wall to the right of the cabin.

Historical Marker

Historical Marker

log cabin and gravesite
to the Memory
John Martin
Born 20th October 1784
Departed this life
17th October 1840
Aged 55 years 11 months
And 27 days
was the first Chief Justice of
the first supreme court
ever instituted
in the Cherokee Nation

Photos by Sue Tolbert

Background Graphics by Barbara's Background Graphics

©Sue Tolbert 2003