Box#   Film #                         Newspaper                                Dates 

1                      6196-23                       Poteau News                               9/5/1907-12/30/1909

2                      6196                            Poteau Journal                            1/2/1908-12/30/1909

3                      6197-24                       Poteau News                               1/6/1916-12/26/1912

4                      6200-27                       Poteau Weekly Sun                     7/7/1910-12/25/1913

5                      6200                                                                               7/7/1910-12/26/1913

6                      6119                                                                               1/6/1916-1/27/1917

7                      6201-28                                                                          1/1/1914-6/26/191?             

8                      6240-48                                                                          1/3/1918-12/30/1920

9                      6203-29                                                                          7/3/1919-12/28/1922

10                    6242-49                       Poteau News                               1/6/1921-6/28/1923

11                    6206-30                       LeFlore County Sun                    1/4/1923-12/31/1925

12                    6243-50                       Poteau News                               7/5/1923-12/31/1925

13                    6244-51                                                                          1/7/1926-6/28/1928

14                    6207-31                       LeFlore County Sun                    1/7/1926-12/26/1929

15                    6246-52                       Poteau News                               7/5/1928-12/18/1930

16                    6208-32                       LeFlore County Sun                    1/2/1930-6/2/1947

                                                                                                               Missing 1931-10/15/1946

17                    6248-57                       Poteau News                               1/1/1931-6/27/1933

18                    6252-54                                                                          7/6/1933-12/26/1935

19                    6252-55                                                                          1/2/1936-6/30/1938

20                    6253-56                                                                          1/7/1938-6/26/1941

21                    6254-57                                                                          7/3/1941-12/3/1944

22                    6256-58                                                                          1/6/1944-6/27/1946

23                    6257-59                                                                          7/4/1946-12/30/1948

24                    6209-33                       LeFlore County Sun                    7/3/1947-6/30/1949

25                    6260-60                       Poteau News                               1/6/1949-12/28/1950

26                    6210-34                       LeFlore County Sun                    7/7/1949-6/28/1951

27                    6263-61                       Poteau News                               1/4/1951-6/26/1952

28                    6211-35                       LeFlore County Sun                    7/5/1951-6/25/1953

29                    6264-62                       Poteau News                               7/3/1052-12/31/1953

30                    6212-36                       LeFlore County Sun                    7/2/1953-6/26/1955

31                    6266-63                       Poteau News                               1/7/1954-6/30/1955

32                    6268-64                                                                          7/7/1955-12/27/1958

33                    6213-37                       LeFlore County Sun                    7/3/1955-12/30/1956

34                    1081-2                                                                            1/3/1957-6/26/1958

35                    1573-64                       Poteau News                               7/3/1958-12/31/1959

36                    2411-7                                                                            1/7/1960-6/29/1961

37                    3674-8                                                                            7/6/1961-12/27/1962

38                    4679-11                                                                          1/3/1963-6/25/1964

39                    5631-15                                                                          7/1964-12/1965

40                    6771                                                                               1/6/1966-6/1967

41                    8057                                                                               7/6/1967-12/1968

42                    9609                                                                               1/2/1969-12/1969

43                    X-177-77                     LeFlore County Sun                    1/5/1969-6/25/1970

44                    9609-75                       Poteau News                               1/2/1970-6/25/1970

45                    XI-15-81                                                                         7/2/1970-12/30/1971

46                    XII-252-85                  LeFlore County Sun                    1/3/1971-12/31/1972

47                    XII-247-84                  Poteau News                               1/1972-12/1972

48                    XII-543-87                                                                     1/1973-12/1973

49                    XIII-165-91                 LeFlore County Sun                    1/7/1973-12/29/1974

50                    XII-158-90                  Poteau News                               1/1974-12/1974

51                    13527-93                                                                        1/1975-12/1975

52                    XIII-708-96                 LeFlore County News                 1/5/1975-6/27/1976

53                    XIII-971-98                 Poteau News                               1/1976-12/1976

54                    XIV-368-101               LeFlore County Sun                    7/4/1976-12/25/1977

55                    XIV-404-102               Poteau News                               1/1977-6/1977

56                    XIV-405-103                                                                  7/1977-12/1977

57                    XIV-903-106               LeFlore County Sun                    1/1978-12/1978

58                    XIV-681-105               Poteau News                               1/1978-6/1978

59                    XIV-909-107                                                                  7/1978-12/1978

60                    XV-461-113                LeFlore County News                 1/1979-12/1979

61                    XV-172-111                Poteau News                               1/1979-6/1979

62                    XV-473-114                                                                   7/1979-12/1979

63                    XVI-136-121               LeFlore County Sun                    1/1980-12/1980

64                    XV-723-116                Poteau News                               1/1980-6/1980

65                    XV-942-118                                                                   7/1980-12/1980

66                    XVI-133-122               Poteau News & Sun                    1/1981-6/1981

67                    XVI-431-123                                                                  7/1981-12/1982

68                    XVI-763-124                                                                  1/1982-6/1982

69                    XVII-449-126                                                                 7/1982-12/1982

70                    XVII-756-12                                                                   1/1983-6/1983

71                    XVII-756-12                                                                   7/1983-12/1983

72                    XVII-916-132                                                                 1/1984-6/1984

73                    XIX-221-136                                                                  7/1984-12/1984

74                    XX-42-149                                                                     1/3/1985-6/30/1985

75                    XX-43-150                  Poteau Weekly Sun                     7/4/1985-12/29/1985

76                    XX-107-151                                                                   1/1986-6/1986

77                    XX-444-152                                                                   7/1986-12/1986

78                    XX-806-159                                                                   1/1987-6/1987

79                    XXI-17-160                                                                    7/1987-9/1987

80                    XXI-23-161                                                                    10/1987-12/1987

81                    XXI-176-162                                                                  1/3/1988-4/28/1988

82                    XXI-430-166                                                                  5/1988-8/1988

83                    XXI-723-167                                                                  9/1988-12/1988

84                    XXI-774-169                                                                  1/1/1989-4/30/1989

85                    XXI-953-172                                                                  5/2/1989-8/31/1989

86                    XXII-3-173                                                                     9/3/1989-12/31/1989

87                    XXII-212-175                                                                 1/4/1990-4/29/1990

88                    XXII-410-176              Poteau Daily News & Sun          5/1990-6/1990

89                    XXII-413-177                                                                 7/1990-9/1990

90                    XXII-454-178                                                                 19/1990-12/1990

91                    XXII-728-180                                                                 1/1991-3/1991

92                    XXII-746-181                                                                 4/1991-6/1991

93                    XXII-838-182                                                                 7/1991-9/1991

94                    XXII-58-187                                                                   10/1991-12/1991

95                    XXII-60-188                                                                   1/1992-3/1992

96                    23298-190                                                                      4/1992-6/1992

97                    23299-191                                                                      7/1992-9/1992

98                    23379192                                                                       10/1992-12/1992

99                    23429-193                                                                      1/1993-3/1993

100                  23475-194                                                                      4/1993-6/1993

101                  23563-195                   Poteau Daily News & Sun          7/1993-9/1993

102                  23673-199                                                                      10/1993-12/1993

103                  23739-200                                                                      1/1994-3/1994

104                  23843-201                                                                      4/1994-6/1994

105                  23901-202                                                                      7/1994-9/1994

106                  25065-204                                                                      10/1994-12/1994

107                  25189-208                                                                      1/1995-3/1995

108                  25358-212                                                                      4/1995-6/1995

109                  25513-213                                                                      7/1995-9/1995

110                  25631-214                                                                      10/1995-12/1995

111                  25706-215                                                                      1/1996-3/1996

112                  25832-217                                                                      4/2/1996-6/29/1996

113                  25909-219                                                                      7/2/1996-9/28/1996

114                  26040221                                                                       10/1/1996-12/31/1996

115                  26083-222                                                                      1/2/1997-3/29/1997

116                  26188-224                                                                      4/1/1997-6/28/1997

117                  26305-225                                                                      7/1/1997-9/30/1997

118                  26402-227                                                                      10/1/1997-12/1997

119                  26487-228                                                                      1/2/1998-3/31/1998

120                  26601-230                                                                      4/1/1998-6/30/1998

121                  26716-232                                                                      7/1/1998-9/30/1998

122                  26787-233                                                                      10/1/1998-12/31/1998

123                  26953-237                                                                      1/2/1999-3/31/1999

124                  26976-238                                                                      4/1/1999-6/30/1999

125                  27110-239                                                                      7/1/1999-9/30/1999

126                  27139-240                                                                      10/1/1999-12/30/1999

127                  27192-241                                                                      1/4/2000-2/29/2000

128                  27208-242                                                                      3/1/2000-4/29/2000

129                  27281-243                                                                      5/2/2000-6/30/2000

130                  27315-244                                                                      7/1/2000-9/30/2000

131                  27429-245                                                                      10/32000-12/30/2000

132                  27480-246                                                                      1/3/2001-3/31/2001

133                  27623-247                                                                      4/3/2001-6/30/2001

134                  27694-248                                                                      7/3/2001-9/29/2001

135                  28026-257                                                                      10/2/2001-12/29/2001

136                  28051-258                                                                      1/2/2002-3/30/2002

137                  28060-259                                                                      4/2/2002-6/29/2002

138                  28184-260                                                                      7/2/2002-9/28/2002

139                  28302-261                                                                      10/1/2002-12/31/2002

140                  28510-265                                                                      1/1/2003-2/28/2003

141                  28511-266                                                                      3/1/2003-4/30/2003

142                  28467-264                                                                      5/1/2003-6/28/2003

143                  28512-267                                                                      JULY-AUGUST

144                  28684-270                                                                      9/2003-OCTOBER

145                  28691-269                                                                      11/1/2003-12/31/2003

146                  28660-268                                                                      1/1/2004-2/28/2004

147                  28693-271                                                                      3/2/2004-4/30/2004

148                  28867-272                                                                      5/1/2004-6/30/2004

149                  28868-273                                                                      7/1/2004-8/31/2004

150                  29006-90                                                                        9/1/2004-10/30/2004

151                  29011-91                                                                        11/2/2004-12/31/2004

152                  29287-277                   Poteau Daily News & Sun          1/1/2005-3/31/2005

153                  29566-283                                                                      4/1/2005-6/30/2005

154                  29706-284                                                                      7/1/2005-9/30/2005

155                  29850-287                                                                      10/1/2005-12/31/2005         

156                  29850-287                                                                      1/3/2006-3/31/2006

157                  30097-290                                                                      4/1/2006-6/30/2006

158                  30194-291                                                                      7/1/2006-9/30/2006

159                  30568-295                                                                      10/3/2006-12/30/2006

160                  30585-296                                                                      1/2/2007-3/31/2007

161                  30693-297                                                                      4/3/2007-6/30/2007

162                  30912-301                                                                      7/3/2007-9/29/2007

163                  30942-300                                                                      10/2/2007-12/29/2007

164                  31038-302                                                                      1/1/2008-3/29/2008

165                  31194-304                                                                      4/1/2008-6/28/2008

166                  31260-305                                                                      7/1/2008-9/30/2008

167                  31470-307                                                                      10/1/2008-12/31/2008

168                  31646-311                                                                      1/1/2009-3/31/2009             

                                                                                                              Missing 2/10 & 2/13

169                  31753-312                                                                      4/1/2009-6/30/2009

170                  31691-310                                                                      7/1/2009-9/30/2009

171                  31922-314                                                                      10/1/2009-1/2/2010

172                  32030-316                                                                      1/2/2010-3/31/2010

173                  32197-317                                                                      4/1/2010-6/30/2010

174                  32235-318                                                                      7/1/2010-9/30/2010

175                  missing

176                  32491-320                                                                      1/1/2011-3/31/2011

177                  32727-324                                                                      4/1/2011-6/30/2011

178                  32737-323                                                                      7/1/2011-9/30/2011

179                  32949-326                                                                      10/1/2011-12/31/2011

180                  33018-327                                                                      1/4/2012-3/31/2012

181                  33266-328                                                                      4/3/2012-6/30/2012

182                  33390-330                                                                      7/3/2012-9/29/2012

183                  33652-333                                                                      10/2/2012-12/29/2012

184                  33756-334                                                                      1/1/2013-3/31/2013

185                  33842-335                                                                      4/2/2013-6/29/2013

186                  33908-336                                                                      7/2/2013-9/28/2013

187                  34027-337                                                                      10/1/2013-12/31/2013

188                  33320-339                                                                      1/1/2014-3/29/2014

189                  334280-341                                                                    4/1/2014-6/28/2014

190                  34333-343                                                                      7/1/2014-9/30/2014

191                  34499-346                                                                      10/1/2014-12/31/2014

192                  34550-347                                                                      1/1/2015-3/31/2015

193                  34831-348                                                                      4/1/2015-7/31/2015








2 copies           6189                            Bokoshe Choctaw Hearld           7/5/1906*8/1906

                                                            Bokoshe Chronicle                     12/17/1904-6/3/1905

                                                            Bokoshe Enterprise                     #1, Vol.1, 5/26/1911-


                                                            Western Breezes                         1905

                        6189                            Heavener Globe                          1904

                                                            Heavener Clipper                        1904-1908

                                                            Heavener Dispatch                     1912-1916

                        6190                            Heavener Dispatch                     1/6/1917-12/6/1917

                                                            Heavener Ledger                        9/10/1918-12/22/1910

                        6192-19                       Heavener Ledger                        1/1/1914-6/27/1918

2 copies           6193-20                       Heavener Ledger Dispatch          7/4/1918-12/4/1919

                                                            Heavener Ledger                        1/7/1926-12/27/1928





                        6194                            Heavener Ledger                        1/5/1956-12/27/1956

                                                      Howe Western Star                     9/19/1902, Vol. 1,                            12/1/1905

                  6194-21                       Heavener Ledger                        1/5/1956-12/27/1956

                                                      Western Star                               1902-1905

                                                      Indianola Arrow                         12/1/1904

                                                      Howe Eagle                                4/17/1908-7/10/1908

                        6195                            Howe Hearld ,Vol 1                    12/7/1906-10/25/1917

2 copies                                               Howe Western Star                     9/19/1902-12/1/1905

                                                            Milton Advocate                         8/26/1909

                                                            Panama Free Will Baptist Banner         1/7/1908-5/6/1909

                                                            Panama Canal                             8/3/1905- 3/31/1906

                                                            Poteau Journal                            6/9/1904-1907

                        6217-38                       Spiro Tribune                              2/22/1917-8/29/1918

2 copies                                               Spiro Gazette                              9/15/1904

                        6217-38                       Talihina Tribune                         3/30/1905-12/30/1909         

                                                Kiamichi Valley Democrat         Jan-Mar 1918

                   6228-42                  American                                    4/12/1918-6/24/1948

                        6230-43                                                                          7/1/1948-6/28/1951

                        6231-44                                                                          7/5/1951-12/31/1953

                        6234-45                                                                          1/7/1954-6/28/1956

                        6236-46                       Talihina American                      7/5/1956-12/20/1956

                                                            Wister Informer                          1904-1905

                                                            Wister News                               1906, 1909-1911

Wister              6239                            The Wister News                        7/7/1911-11/1/1912

2 copies           6239-47                       The Wister Record                      10/16/1914-3/3/1916

                        1427710                      Heavener Dispatch                     1910-1918 (1917)

                        19747                          Heavener Ledger Dispatch          1919

                                                            Ledger Dispatch                          1919

                                                            Heavener Ledger                        1920-1921;2/9/1939





Heavener Ledger

                        6191-18                                                                          1/5/1911-12/25/1911

                        6192-19                                                                          1/1/1914-6/27/1918

                        6193-20                                                                          7/4/1918-12/4/1919

                        19750-138                                                                      1/5/1922-12/31/1925

                        19752-139                   2 copies                                      1/7/1926-12/27/1928

                        19754-140                   2 copies                                      1/3/1929-12/31/1931

                        19756-141                   2 copies                                      1/7/1932-12/26/1935

                        19758-142                   2 copies                                      1/2/1936-12/28/1939

                        19760-143                                                                      1/4/1940-12/31/1942

                        19764-144                                                                      1/7/1943-12/27/1945

                        19767-145                                                                      1/3/1946-6/24/1948

                        19769-146                                                                      7/1/1948-6/29/1950

                        19771-147                                                                      7/6/1950-12/25/1952

                        19774-148                                                                      1/1/1953-12/30/1954


                        1080-1                                                                            1/3/1957-12/25/1958

                        2087-5                                                                            1/1/1959-12/29/1960

                        3690-9                                                                            1/5/1961-12/27/1962

                        5009-13                                                                          1/3/1963-12/29/1964

                        6370-65                                                                          1/7/1965-12/29/1966

                        9123-74                                                                          1/5/1967-12/26/1968

                        10175-76                                                                        1/2/1969-12/31/1970

                        11830-83                                                                        1/7/1971-12/28/1972

                        13126-89                                                                        1/3/1973-12/26/1974

                        14163-99                                                                        1/2/1975-12/30/1976

                        15057-110                   2 copies                                      1/6/1977-12/28/1978

                        16126-120                                                                      1/4/1979-12/25/1980

                        18129-130                                                                      1/1/181-12/30/1982

                        20598-153                                                                      1/6/1983-12/27/1984

                        20797-158                                                                      1/3/1985-6/26/1986

                        21221-163                                                                      7/3/1986-12/31/1987

                        21889-170                                                                      1/71988-6/29/1989

                        22846-184                                                                      7/6/1989-12/27/1990

                        23158-189                                                                      1/3/1991-12/26/1991

                        23637-198                                                                      Jan.-Dec. 1992

                        25265-210                                                                      Jan.-Dec. 1993

                        25266-211                                                                      Jan.-Dec. 1994

                        25713-216                                                                      Jan.-Dec. 1995

                        26125-223                                                                      Jan.-Dec. 1996

                        26910-235                                                                      Jan.-Dec. 1998