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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: July 21, 1937
Name: Mrs. Pearl Johnston Sprague
Post Office: 
Residence Address: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: 1891
Place of Birth: Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory
Father: M. Johnston
Place of Birth: Mississippi
Information on father:
Mother: C. J. Palmer
Place of birth: Tennessee
Information on mother:
Field Worker: Maurice R. Anderson 
Interview #4993

I was born at old McGee, Indian Territory, Chickasaw Nation, in 1891.   My father farmed and raised cattle and hogs.  Mr. McGee established the first post office at old McGee and he owned the cotton gin there.

When new Ada began to build up, my father put in the first grocery store there.  That was in 1900.  When we moved to Ada there were several tents there, but in a short time, there were several stores and dwelling houses and you could hear men hammering and building store buildings and houses in nearly any part of the night.

People lived in half dug-outs and log houses with dirt floors. Around old McGee there were some nice houses.  They belonged to the big cattlemen, mostly.

I was small when we lived at McGee but I can remember going to candy breakings and parties given by people who lived in these half dugouts and everybody would have a good time.

Back when I started to school, children didn't have the chance to get the schooling like they do now.  My first school was a log school house and we had to sit on hewed down logs for seats without any desks.  This was a subscription school and they only taught three months out of a years. 

The next school I went to was the I.B.C. College at Tecumseh.

I now live in Pauls Valley.

Transcribed for OKGenWeb by Brenda Choate.