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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date:  January 12, 1938
Name:  Mrs. Molly Starr Sillers
Post Office: Porum, Oklahoma
Residence Address:  
Date of Birth: January 17, 1887
Place of Birth:  Canadian District, Cherokee Nation
Father:   Tuxie Starr
Place of Birth:  
Information on father:
Mother:   Isabelle Campbell
Place of birth:   
Information on mother:
Field Worker:  Carl R. Sherwood
Interview #: 12744

I was born January 17th, 1887, in the Canadian District of the Cherokee Nation, on what was known as the Tuxie Starr place, about four and one-half miles southwest of Porum.

My father was Tuxie Starr, a full blood Cherokee Indian, son of Tom Starr, who came to the Indian Territory during the movement of the Cherokees over the Trail of Tears. 

My mother was Isabelle Campbell, a sister of John Campbell. There were four of us children; Suky, Milo, Dick and I.

My sister, Suky Starr, attended school at Henry Kendell College in Muskogee, and her first and only lover was Milo Hendricks, a Choctaw Indian, who left school to fight in the Spanish American War, where he was killed. Suky died a few years later.

I was reared in the vicinity of my birth place and educated in the Cherokee National school and the Female Seminary school at Tahlequah.

In 1910 I was married to Clifford Sillers, white. We are the parents of five children. Four boys and one girl. Mr. Sillers was a successful farmer and stockman.

Transcribed for OKGenWeb by Brenda Choate.