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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Date: March 16, 1938
Name: Samuel Wesley Haymes
Post Office: , Oklahoma
Date of Birth: April 6, 1891
Place of Birth: Webster County
Place of Birth:
Information on father:
Place of birth:
Information on mother:
Field Worker: Loudolphus D. Maybee

Microfilm #IPH-31
Volume 92, page 328
Interview #13278

Samuel Wesley Haymes

S. W. (* Samuel Wesley) Haymes was born in Webster County MO April 6, 1891. He married Etta (* Belle) Rogers and they have five children.

S. W. Haymes came to the Territory with his parents. They traveled in four wagons and had five teams. They came by the way of the Military Trail which was the only trail through this part of the country. At the time they settled on Markham Prairie, there was only two fences between them and the Kansas state line.

They got their corn ground meal at Flint Mill, Arkansas. They mixed corn meal and flour all together. They ( * the mill) took a toll of  the meal for their fee for grinding. The family killed prairie chickens and deer for their meat and the rest of their food was raised on the farm.

Schools and Church
S. W. Haymes attended a subscription school taught by Mrs Bryant in the south part of what is now Pryor OK.  They also went to church at this same schoolhouse. He attended this school three or four terms of three months each, paying $1.00 per month.

He made his first crop with three yoke of oxen, because horses could not live and work on prairie hay.

Bridges and Fords
There was a ford on the Military Road crossing Rock Creek. The first bridge was at Squaw Hallow and the next one was Hogan's Bridge, located across Pryor Creek.

First Train Depot
The first depot here in Pryor was called Kyugay (* Coo-y-yah), the Cherokee word for "huckleberry". It was called this because the Indians sold huckleberries to the railroad section hands. Then the railroad company built a depot which was named Pryor Creek. After statehood the town became known as "Pryor" (* but by a vote of the citizens they retained the official name of the town as "Pryor Creek").

S. W. Haymes was hunting prairie chickens one day when he saw attempt to rob the train at Squaw Hollow. In the ensuing gun battle one of the robbers was shot. They got Dr. Adair at the town of Adair, blindfolded him and brought him down to treat the wounded man and then gave the Dr. $25.00 and put him on the train and sent him on home.  S. W. Haymes was also present when the Starr boys held up the train at the Pryor depot.

(NOTE: items marked * is information derived from other sources)

(* NOTE: for additional information on the Haymes family from Webster County MO, contact Charlene Hook - Chook35@msn.com – 09-1999.)