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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Name: Julia Patton Fite
Post Office: 445 North 15th Street, Muskogee, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: 1867
Place of Birth: Ringgold, Georgia
Father: William C. Patton (White)
Place of Birth:
Information on father: 
Mother: Jane Davis Patton
Place of Birth:
Information on mother: 1/32 Indian (Cherokee)
Field Worker: 
Interview #:

My family came to Oklahoma from Georgia in about the year of 1879. They made the journey by rail. 

My father was a merchant at Vinita, Oklahoma.

I have lived in Muskogee since 1889 and the history of this community is too well known for me to add anything to it.

Transcriber notes: 
Name: Julia Theresa Patton 
Born: December 29, 1867 
Married: Dr. Francis Bartow Fite

Transcribed for OKGenWeb by Catherine Widener <catz@kcisp.net>  March 2002.