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1900 Oklahoma Territory Federal Census

see check each county for Oklahoma Territory EDs

Location Roll ED Schedule Pages Transcriber Images
Apache, Kiowa & Comanche Reservation T623-1344 252 General 1a-16a
T623-1344 252 Indian 17a-92b
Kaw Reservation T623-1344 255 General pgs 191a-196a  
T623-1344 255 Indian pgs 248a-255a
Osage Reservation T623-1344 255 General pgs 138a-190b
T623-1344 255 Indian pgs 197a-247b
Otoe-Missouri Reservation, Noble County T623-1340 254 General 152a-156a
T623-1340 254 Indian 157a-166a
Ponca Reservation, Noble County T623-1340 253 General 127a-137a
T623-1340 Indian 138a-151a
Wichita Reservation T623-1344 252 Indian 93a-121a
1900 Indian Territory Federal Census
Location Roll ED Images
Cherokee Nation (part) T623-1843  4-16
Cherokee Nation (part) T623-1844  16-29
Cherokee Nation (part) T623-1845  29-41
Cherokee Nation (part 1) T623-1846  42-48, 189
Chickasaw Nation (part 2) T623-1846 120, 187, 121,
Sequoyah & Muskogee
T623-1846 found no notes about Seq & Muskogee Nations what part of film is this?
Chickasaw Nation (part) T623-1847 note on film: EDs 120-128, 187 follows 120
recheck yellow - was that note on 1846 instead?
Chickasaw Nation (part) T623-1848  135-139, 190, 140-146, 185, 147-151
Chickasaw Nation (part) T623-1850  168-178
Choctaw Nation (part) T623-1850 73, 179-180, 74-79
Choctaw Nation (part) T623-1851 79-95
Choctaw Nation (part) T623-1852 96-116
Choctaw Nation (part) T623-1853 116-119, 181-184
Creek Nation (part) T623-1853 49-60, 186
Creek Nation (part) T623-1854 61-69, 188
Modoc Nation T623-1854 2 General just 13Gaines Co., Sugar Loaf Co., Boktoklo Co., Tobucksy Co., Blue Co., Jack Fork Co., Towson Co. 4b
T623-1854 2 Indian ??
Ottawa Gaines Co., Sugar Loaf Co., Boktoklo Co., Tobucksy Co., Blue Co., Jack Fork Co., Towson Co. Nation T623-1854 2 General 111a-131b
T623-1854 2 Indian 136a-141a
Peoria Nation T623-1854 1 General 84a-99b
T623-1854 1 Indian 101a-104b, 110a
Quapaw Nation T623-1854 1 General just 100a
T623-1854 1 Indian 105a-109b
Seminole Nation T623-1854 70-72
Seneca Nation T623-1854 3 General 149b, 155a-162b
T623-1854 3 Indian 170a-174b
Shawnee Nation T623-1854 2 General 132a-134a
T623-1854 2 Indian 141b-143a
Wyandotte Nation T623-1854 3 General 145a-154b
Wyandotte Nation T623-1854 3 Indian 163a-169b


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